ESL Parent Advisory Council On March 20th, the Secaucus Middle and High Schools will be hosting a meeting for parents on our program for English Language Learners.
Students of the Month for March Students each month at SMS are nominated by a teacher or staff member based on their honesty. Every nomination is put into a jar and a winner from each grade is randomly chosen to receive a certificate and displayed on our announcement wall. At the end of the year, all winners will be given a reward. This month's winners are (pictured L to R): 8th grade-Imama Ansar, 6th grade-Sarah Bowers, and 7th grade-Winifer Ortega. Congratulations!!!
8th Grade Graduation Portraits 8th Grade Graduation Portraits will be held on Wednesday, March 8th in the PAC. Boys should wear a shirt and tie and girls are recommended to wear a light colored shirt with no collar.
Summer Reading Skills Program Rutgers University Division of Continuing Studies is offering a Reading Skills and Speed Reading Program in the Summer in Jersey City and Moonachie.
Please support the SHS Performing Arts Group for a Fundraiser at Chipotle Please support the SHS Musical at Chipotle on Monday, February 27th from 2pm-6pm. 50% of the proceeds will go towards the Musical when you show the flyer below at the cashier.
Students of the Month for February Students each month at SMS are nominated by a teacher or staff member based on their good character. Every nomination is put into a jar and a winner from each grade is randomly chosen to receive a certificate and displayed on our announcement wall. At the end of the year, all winners will be given a reward. This month's winners are (pictured L to R): 7th grade-Smriti Chopra, 6th grade-Daniel Pantoliano, and 8th grade-Heather Georgopoulos. Congratulations!!!
School Closing Due to the predicted inclement weather, the Middle School and all schools in the district will be closed tomorrow February 9th.
Camp Wapalanne Fundraiser We will be having a Hershey's Candy fundraising sale in order to give students the opportunity to raise money for the annual Camp Wapalanne trip.