Radium Girls: A Gripping True Story Brought to Life by Secaucus High Drama Club! The Secaucus High School Drama Club will present their fall production of Radium Girls on December 13th and 14th at 7pm at the Arthur F. Couch Performing Arts Center! Based on a true story that happened right here in New Jersey, Radium Girls is a chilling, illuminating drama that shines a light on the dark underbelly of the 1920s, where young women who were lured by the glamorous job of painting luminous watch dials unknowingly poison themselves with radium. This leads to a harrowing fight for justice against a corporation that prioritizes profits over these girls' lives. Tickets are $10 for adults, $5 for students with ID, and can be purchased using the following link or scanning our ticket flyer: https://cur8.com/17091/project/127672 Thank you for supporting our performing arts students - we hope to see you there! Print